Povestea AARU

Aaru - Artizan de bijuterii lucrate manual

I am Raluca and I represent AARU (is the name for heavenly paradise in Egyptian mythology). Aaru was born when i finally left the big city  and moved to the countryside with my son. After this big move that changed my life completely i started to get in touch more than ever with my artistic side, and the creation started to flow through me and into my art. I have always been an artist, did one year of scenography, and after i finished the university of psychology i studied photography and i have dedicated to it my last 13 years. Moving into a little village, the nature, its beauty, the wind, the birds singing in my garden and everything that sourounded me, made me feel so connected,wanting to create with my hands not just my eyes like i did before. So i started to create wirewrapped jewelry from cooper and pure crystals, a technique that i learned all on my own .Originally inspired by the need for healing, I discovered a love for crystals  and now create unique jewelry with an intuitive and personalized approach for each client.
Their positive feedback reflects the strong emotional impact of my creations. After 3 years of creating beautiful and magical jewelry , i wanted to evolve so i went to Assamblage jewelry school,where i discovered myself once again, and felt in love with creating contemporary jewelry .After i returned home , I’ve bulid myself a jewelery workshop, where now i am working on my current contemporary jewelry collections.

Links to online presence

In Egiptul Antic, Aaru inseamna Rai. Aaru este coltul de Rai unde creez de cativa ani bijuterii unice,amulete moderne sau amplificatoare energetice cum le mai numesc. Este locul unde ma pierd si ma regasesc in creatiile mele, spatiul unde ma las dusa de toate valurile imaginatiei mele in care mainile mele fauresc felurite obiecte magice din cupru pur, argint, cristale natural pretioase si alte materiale care ma inspira.
Prin creatiile mele imi doresc sa aduc o stare de bine, de iubire si de liniste in sufletul si corpul oricui le poarta, cat si bucuria de a purta ceva cu adevarat unic creat de un artizan roman.

Artizanat pur,

strălucire eternă